Saturday, January 29, 2011

You Can Do It!

I've had so many walls of fear to overcome in my life, that I wanted to hear from people about something they wanted to do, were afraid to do, and ultimately succeeded. Please don't take more than a 1/2 page or so to share it. I'll start. I never felt safe as a child, consequently, I never felt safe as an adult, and when I went through my divorce, I felt like I wouldn't survive, that I couldn't survive alone and on my own. It's been two and a half years and I still feel that way. When I looked at my finances, I realized that if I wanted to buy a house, it would need to be one that I could fix up. I've never done projects around the house--my husband did that--and I was terrified that I would screw everything up. When I cut the door trim and installed it around the doors, I told myself that if I measured or cut incorrectly I could go buy another piece. After trimming two doors, the last one was much faster, and looked great. The same for the baseboards, patching holes in walls, putting up sheetrock and taping it, patching stucco, and painting inside and out. I look at my house now and I feel overwhelmed at the idea that I bought this house and made it look like it does now. And I still have thoughts that "I can't do that" or "I don't know how I did that" all the time, even in the face of proof that I do know and did do it. So, if you have an inspiring story to share, please do.
did that seemed impossible